Hi! Welcome to the blue room Pull up a bean-bag and RELAX... As I'm sitting here, with my herbal jazz cigarette in one hand and my mini-mega-milky-choca-mocha in the other, I can't help but think about the world around us. Now and again I enjoy nothing more than to chill with my high-brow compadres and muse over the things that are. And so it is with great feeling on my part that I invite you to partake of our informative discussions. That's the reason this page exists, to discuss... anything. What you see at the moment is the "Bare bones" of what will eventually be a much more complete site with lots of links to my favourite sites of interest. The plan(which you can help with) is to get as many people to use this site to "vent thier spleen" (as you do) on any topic imaginable. So got out there and tell people. We open todays ponderings with the most intense question...are these Pokimon things really such a wow thing, or what? I was browsing the other day having checked out Blue Eddy's site, looking at some "Furry" sites. If you have any furry friends, or are one yourself, let us know in the forum. Next Page |